Thursday, May 21, 2015

Until we get our free-will back, we CAN NOT FOLLOW GOD.

When we get our free-will back... Everything is Possible!
But, until then, we are in bondage.

Our free-will is our birthright,
our Authority to choose in our own space,
and to act - within (inside our skin) and in our world.

Our free-will is, was, and always will be ours -
but most of us don't own and utilize our most precious gift.

We are all given free-will,
we are all given dominion in our space and in our world...

  • we lost it,
  • we squandered it,
  • we traded it for something else,
  • we forgot about it,
  • we didn't value it,
  • it was ripped from us...

We can all get our volition back!
I encourage you to do whatever it takes (spiritually), to get your free-will back;
back from our own and others:
  • religion, understanding of the bible, religious defaults, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, doubt...
  • body impulses, survival instincts, control pictures, habits, patterns of thought, feelings, fear, pain...
  • expectations, limits, lies, programming, invalidation, control, competition, judgment...
A different way to say it, in old-time religious terminology, is this:
Spiritually, we must take our free-will back from the world, the flesh, and the devil.

And when we get our free-will back, as spirit;
Then, and only then can we Begin to Consciously Choose to:
  • align with our Source - our Light, our Life, our Truth, our Way in God.
  • behold and reflect, as in a mirror, the glory of God
  • pay attention to - utilize - our soul senses... so we can see, hear, know God - and the leading of God, for us, today.
  • actually follow, when we hear a word behind us, saying, 'This is the way, go ye in it'
Until we get our free-will back, we CAN NOT consciously FOLLOW GOD.

From this place, 
We are blessed to engage our Unique Process of Soul Maturity, Teleios 
REALizing who we are in God, into our body, life, world...

May God lead you to the freedom that is yours!

For more see previous post 

From the silly human rules to the Wild Freedom of God

And of course, the POINT
is not to Resist the Resisters (bless their hearts)
It is to


IMO, the point is to do what Paul encouraged:
(this is perhaps my favorite bible verse since my teens)
It was for freedom that Christ set us free;
therefore keep standing firm and
do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery (bondage, servitude)

Christian Culture has gotten so far off the track on this!
(yup, there I said it ; )

From my perspective, most of us have been infected...
we are so infected by the law, the legalists, the religious bullys. 
  • some of us in compliance, dominated
  • some of us in resistance, fighting
  • many of us waffling back and forth, not Really Clear about who we really Are...
But, we really are

So, let's BE that!

If this resonates for you at all,
and you want to help clear your body, mind, heart, soul of all the religious rules and regs...
You may want to go see and meditate through these many different translations of this one verse
- I get encouraged by just looking through this: Galatians 5:1

Most importantly, I ask you to ask Jesus to help you
  • to heal,
  • to let-in a waterfall of the blessings of God, asking for the vibration of Freedom, that will fill you up with the fruit of Liberty - in your body, in your life, in your world.

When we allow the spiritual freedom that is already ours:
  • then we can BE the us - that only we can be.
  • then we can DO what we are called to do - that only we can do!

Until we are free, we are only RE-acting.
Until we are free, we are only following and/or resisting some one else's agenda. 
Until we get our free-will back, we CAN NOT consciously FOLLOW GOD.
(for more on this, see next post)

Of course this is a life-time process, deepening in God, maturing spiritually.
So let us choose each day to Let-go of what holds us hostage
and to LET IN these blessings from God.

We can choose each day to
ask Jesus to help us to heal and grow into who we really are,

  • from law to Grace, 
  • from bondage to Liberty, 
  • from the silly human rules to the Wild Freedom of God.
From this place, we can engage our Unique Process of Soul Maturity, Teleios 
Realizing who we are in God, into our body, life, world...

Blessings on your Unique Journey in God,

If you have not seen it, here is a similar theme written half a year later:

Willpower (flesh) OR Free Will and True Power (spirit) - choose

Monday, May 18, 2015

God plays with who shows up, today!

I have been thinking lately about this scripture
 Matthew 22:2-10
2“The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.
3“And he sent out his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding feast, and they were unwilling to come.
4“Again he sent out other slaves saying, ‘Tell those who have been invited, “Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fattened livestock are all butchered and everything is ready; come to the wedding feast.”’
5“But they paid no attention and went their way, one to his own farm, another to his business,
6and the rest seized his slaves and mistreated them and killed them.
7“But the king was enraged, and he sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and set their city on fire.
8“Then he said to his slaves, ‘The wedding is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy.
9‘Go therefore to the main highways, and as many as you find there, invite to the wedding feast.’
10“Those slaves went out into the streets and gathered together all they found, both evil and good; and the wedding hall was filled with dinner guests.

And I have been thinking, along these lines...

In Jesus day, the rules and culture of those who believed they were following God - but were not - got in the way of the enjoyment of God's banquet; in that case, perhaps specifically the Jewish-identified people invited.  The invitation went out to a wider circle - and here we are.

In our day, the rules and culture of those who believe they are following God - but are not - are getting in the way of the enjoyment of God's banquet; in this case, perhaps specifically the Christian-identified people invited.  The invitation goes out to a wider circle - where will God lead next?

Many who purport to follow God, will not come to enjoy the goodness of God!
Many who purport to follow God, will not listen to the invitation of God, today!
Many who purport to follow God, will not let go of everyday concerns, old habits and beliefs.

It is Hard to BE WITH the WEDDING - so we fight against the invitation.
The beautiful, delicious, present-time joining of spirit and body, of God and us...
Is intense, and it takes our whole self and our whole life, showing up TODAY.

We can't just send a card ; )
We have to Show Up

We can't wear our old clothes, our work clothes.
We have to ALLOW NEW!

You who can hear; hear...
It matters not who you are, what you believe, what you have done, where you come from, if you believe you are good or bad, worthy or unworthy...
Come eat, drink, be merry.

Perhaps it is so; and has always been so, and will always be so:
God plays with who shows up, today!

Are you willing to drop everything, now, and come to the banquet?
Then please put on your new clothes, and come!

The banquet is set,
Do You Want to be part of the Wedding?
Then show up in your wedding clothes, ready to party!
