Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Is Love the Way to Live?

I am ALL for Love of God and others, unequivocally, as the practice of followers of Jesus.
And, I think that is Just the Beginning of the practice of following Jesus.

From my perspective, Love is where we Start, as spiritual children.
And from there, we learn to follow where God leads us, hear the voice behind us saying: this is the way, walk ye in it; see God moving in the world and we move too...
As disciples of Jesus, we learn to follow the Father in each step, as Jesus did.

The early church, as we do, had lots of churning about this.
Grace great! Love, great! Leading of Spirit, great!
...but what about the Law?  How do we Live?

Well, they pretty much decided to chuck the law, almost completely (see Acts 15).
But then in Practice, they kept running into real-life expectations, social norms, general human drama - predictably - and things got muddy.
Even the Pauline letters, which were constantly ringing the bell that we are beyond sin and no longer under law, have been known to throw some lists of do's and don't's around - just to try to get things in line.

What went awry?
Well, from my perspective Paul himself tells us - Rules are for Children.
It is spiritual Adults who have the spiritual ears and the spiritual muscle to Perceive the individual leading of God, and Do it.
Spiritual adults can have spiritual perspective and can generally follow spiritual leading.

But, before that, the body/flesh physical perspective tends to hold sway. Because that is how the world operates.
Therefore, spiritual kids still need the general guidelines - which boil down to:
Love God with all you got
Love your neighbor as yourself.
My point though is - figuring out what is and what isn't sin, is really not our calling. This is for spiritual beginners - think kindergarten.
Our calling is to Grow Up in God: Deepen spiritually, open to our soul senses, practice following (as we practiced learning to walk, by falling down ; ) ...
so we can be led in our own unique Way - our ministry to the world - as Jesus was.

Sometimes, when we see the bigger picture, when we start playing the bigger game, we get new perspective on the old challenges.
From my perspective, as many say - Love people, and trust Jesus to lead them where they need to go.
Meanwhile, let's each of us say hello, ourselves, to Jesus, and deepen our real-time soul-relationship with Jesus, today. Let's let him spiritually lead us, uniquely in each step, now.

Thanks for reading,

Much better convo in this same neighborhood: 

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