I read Jeff Robinson's wonderful FB post: we are
mere Kindergartners
in the much larger world of grace-filled, Spirit-led, Christ-following.
Many of us remain Pharisees wrapped in costumes of grace.
How will we ever find our way out...our way forward...
into the Light and Freedom of Jesus?
Who will lead us?
Who among us is even willing to admit how cozy we are in our small and narrow, exclusive cocoon?
And I had to play!!
so this I wrote:
I believe and expereince that Jesus will lead us
- as he did when he walked the earth, and ever since.
Jesus himself will disciple us
- IF IF IF WHEN WHEN WHEN we let him!
I believe the question is: who will follow Jesus?
Who will say YES! to experiencing him spiritually, and follow him spiritually?
Who being last, is willing for God to put us up front?
Who as followers, are willing for God to have us lead?
I pray to God, the answer for every single person who reads this is:
Each one of us who Really loves God, who really wants to follow Jesus:
Let's Actually DO it!
From my perspective, the tripping point is:
we have been lost in doctrine and ritual and tradition and ethics and physical-focus and...
We have been led astray by our bodies, our culture, our thoughts, our beliefs, our habits, our feelings, our survival impulses, our control issues...
Mostly we have been led astray by the LIE (of the flesh/physical)
that we must learn from a book
about a Jesus who physically died 2,000 years ago!
Instead of the TRUTH (of the spiritual, available in our soul)
that the Risen and Ascended Christ is right here, right now.
Jesus is just as much available to us as he was to Saul/Paul, for example.
And like Saul/Paul:
- our inner lives, our outer lives, our companions, our world can be completely Transformed;
- when we let go of our Concepts and Traditions and allegedly-biblical Barriers; and
- instead choose to say YES! to our unique Spiritual Adventure with the Living God!
From this place, we can engage our Unique Process of Soul Maturity, Teleios
Realizing who we are in God, into our body, life, world...
1 - How will we ever find our way out... our way forward... into the Light and Freedom of Jesus?
2 - Who will lead us?
3 - Who among us is even willing to admit how cozy we are in our small and narrow, exclusive cocoon?
MY specific answer to each of these questions, is below
-> what are your answers?
1) How will we ever find our way out... our way forward... into the Light and Freedom of Jesus?
I am in that process of letting the Light and Freedom that Jesus IS,
BE more and more IN, AS, Through me.
It has been an expletive-filled process
- becasue I fight Every Single Step.
This dying daily business Really Sucks.
But when I am not screaming so loud,
I am Grateful beyond measure!
This Way, Light, Life, Love, Truth expereince is worth Everything, Anything!
2) Who will lead us?
Jesus leads me, God leads me, Spirit leads me, God sends Angels and Spiritual Masters to lead me -
there is NO lack of spiritual leading, filling, healing, wisdom...
WHEN and only when I am Willing
to Open my spiritual senses
to see, hear, know, touch, taste, smell, feel, expereince oneness with spirit;
then Act spiritually and physically in alignment with that spiritual leading.
This process of opening,
I only utilize
(and eventually was called to share)
because it was and is my call.
Like Jonah, I tried to run!
and I suffered terribly for many, many years
- until I let go, and became willing to follow my call.
That was over a dozen years ago.
Since then, I slowly became willing to learn
HOW to operate, to listen and to follow - spiritually, instead of physically.
I am Still learning, of course!
But, I am not overtly running any more. (The war is won, but the battles Rage-on ; )
3) Who among us is even willing to admit how cozy we are in our small and narrow, exclusive cocoon?
I have only enjoyed a cozy cocoon a few times in my life - and then, not SO cozy, for not so long...
But, I have had times where I wish to God I could stay and play and at least kinda FIT-in... longer.
For the last several years, though, I have experienced more True community and acceptance than I ever have, amoung others doing their spiritual work.
Although, I can now own, there has been a tear right down the middle of my being-ness in the world, and in my ministry - that God is NOW healing.
This is getting long - I am putting the rest in another post
in LIFE! Wendy
I have been singing lately, like we did when I was a teen in house church... way back in the day ; )
Here I Am Lord, by Dan Schutte and the Saint Louis Jesuits