Wednesday, November 4, 2009

If you want to avoid experiencing reversal...

If you want to avoid experiencing reversal,
just cut off dualism;
then measurements cannot govern you.
You are neither Buddha nor sentient being;
you are not near or far,
not high or low,
not equal or even,
not going or coming.
- Pai-chang

This is one that really hits me where I live,
where it seems I experience the most pain (clearly from attachment).

I suffer over what I have lost,
over what I will lose
- relationships and people in bodies that I love, fitness and wellness, the joy of being in this body
- everything that is not spirit: emotions, thoughts, things... The more I have the more I fear to lose...

I suffer.
 But, it turns out the solution is so very easy:
just let go of dualism...
(I think I will fit that in this afternoon between eating bon-bons and washing my hair ; )

Really this quote validates and encourages me,
but what a journey this is - aye!

the human condition (ahhhhhh)
such a challenging blessing!

Consciously working with God
and allowing spiritual change helps so much with this,
AND my body grieves.

We are all in the same boat.
God bless us all, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. some more wonderful encouragement to let go of dualism:
