This makes a world of difference for us - we can actually walk with God experientially in this world.
And, when we can directly hear/see/know God's will,
and are free to act in the world as we are led,
it shifts the world in profound ways, we (God with us) make a world of difference for others.
As Angels are God's messengers, the spiritual hands and feet of God;
so we also can be, on the physical, in small (and increasing) measure, God's messengers, the spiritual hands and feet of God in this world.
We help realize - make real - God's will on earth, as it is in heaven (spiritually, in the reign/kingdom of God).
None of this is done through listening to church leaders, or to each other.
It is not done by reading the bible or devotionals.
It is not done by singing songs or going to meetings.
It is certainly not done by being 'good'.
All of these things above are lovely, when God leads us in them,
but the best these things can do is lead us to God.
God heals us and fills us with glory.
God transforms us here on earth, even as we are seated in heavenly places, spiritually.
God walks with us and leads us.
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word which goes out through God's mouth
For the word of God [is] living and operative, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and penetrating to [the] division of soul and spirit, both of joints and marrow, and a discerner of the thoughts and intents of [the] heart.
Meanwhile, we are here to heal, change, grow, learn, transform, mature-into the full-grown daughters and sons of God, operating in this world as the divine heirs that we are.
We are Not here to sit-around in kindergarten waiting for the heaven-train, as many Christians seem to be.
It is not just us, or even the body of Christ, that profits from us growing-up - but all of creation is waiting impatiently for us to come into our freedom and glory as children of the King, grown to full-stature.
It is our job to grow-up, to do this, we must:
- choose to open to our spiritual senses;
- choose to own our free-will back: from others, from our religious & social programming, from our own and others emotions, thoughts, habits, limits, lies... so we can be free to follow God;
- choose to align with our Source: our God, our Light, our Way, our Truth, our Life.
From this place, we can engage our Unique Process of Soul Maturity, Teleios
Realizing who we are in God, into our body, life, world...
I don't think we can do any of this on our own - we do it with God,
but we have to be willing - we have to choose.
Like the man who said to Jesus:
"I believe; help thou my unbelief"
May we say/be:
I am opening, help thou my opening!
I am owning, help thou my owning!
I am aligning, help thou my aligning!
I am growing up, help thou my growing-up!
If we are having trouble, are stuck, need help with any of this;
It is our job to Ask and we shall Receive; Seek, and we shall Find; Knock, and the door shall be Opened.
It is our job to expectantly watch for the response spiritually and physically.
God sometimes acts directly spiritually, and/or sometimes God sends a canoe!
Then, we do not just sit, we act - we lead or follow (or get out of the way ; ) - as God leads us to do:
- We read books and/or write books.
- We heal from others ministrations and/or we act as healers.
- We learn from mentoring/teaching and/or we mentor/teach.
- We watch and learn new tricks spiritually by monkey-see-monkey-do, and/or we are watched others and make a huge difference for them just by who we BE in the world, and how we DO what we see God doing and are led to do.